Embracing the Vintage: Why 98% of My Wardrobe is Second-Hand.

In a world where fast fashion trends come and go as swiftly as the changing seasons, I proudly stand by my choice to fill my closet with 98% vintage and second-hand clothing. Allow me to take you on a journey into my wardrobe and explore why I believe giving clothes a second life is not only important but also transformative for our lives.

A Sustainable Wardrobe

One of the most compelling reasons behind my vintage and second-hand wardrobe is sustainability. The fashion industry is notorious for its environmental impact, from excessive water usage to textile waste. By choosing pre-loved clothing, I actively reduce my contribution to these issues.

Vintage and second-hand pieces have already stood the test of time, proving their durability. They often come from an era when clothing was made to last, not to be discarded after a few wears. When we embrace these garments, we promote the idea that fashion should be more about quality than quantity.

Unique Style Statements

While visiting my favorite store in Antwerp: Think Twice in Twaalfmaandenstraat 13.

Wearing vintage clothing is like owning a piece of history. Every item tells a story, reflecting the fashion trends and societal norms of its time.

My closet is a treasure trove of different decades, from the roaring ’20s to the colorful ’70s.

Each piece carries a uniqueness and charm that cannot be replicated by mass-produced, cookie-cutter fashion.

It’s liberating to express myself through these vintage pieces, knowing that I’m not conforming to the latest fads but embracing a timeless style.

Moreover, it’s fascinating to see how fashion evolves and then circles back, with vintage items often becoming the hottest trends once again.

Financial Freedom

Let’s face it; fashion can be expensive. Yet, with vintage and second-hand shopping, I’ve discovered a way to maintain a stylish wardrobe without breaking the bank.

High-quality, pre-owned clothing often comes at a fraction of the cost of new designer pieces.

This financial freedom allows me to invest in other aspects of my life, from my travels to my karate training and stages abroad.

Reducing Waste

Around my mom’s hometown: Teplice in the Czech Republic. I love thrifting over there: super cheap prices and great pieces.

Every year, countless garments end up in landfills. It’s a heartbreaking reality of the fast fashion era. By buying second-hand, I actively contribute to reducing this waste. When I purchase a vintage item, I’m not only extending its life but also preventing a new piece from being manufactured to replace it.

Building a Connection with the Past

As a lover of history and literature, my vintage clothing collection has helped me build a deeper connection with the past.

When I put on a 1940s dress or a 1960s jacket, I’m transported to a different era.

It’s as if I’m wearing the stories of those who came before me, and it’s a powerful reminder of the enduring nature of fashion.

Conclusion: A Second Life for Clothes, A Fuller Life for Us

A board I found while thrifting around Milan, Italy.

In a world that often prioritizes the new and the shiny, my choice to fill my closet with vintage and second-hand treasures is a conscious rebellion.

It’s a stand for sustainability, unique style, financial freedom, waste reduction, and a connection with the past.

By giving clothes a second life, we not only make a positive impact on the environment but also enrich our lives. We become curators of our personal style, storytellers through fashion, and champions of conscious consumerism.

In a world obsessed with the latest trends, there’s something truly remarkable about embracing the beauty of the past.

So, as I continue my journey in vintage fashion, I invite you to explore the world of second-hand clothing. You might be surprised at how much it can improve your life, one pre-loved piece at a time.


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